
PyOS error guide

By Adrian LeDeaux


Errors happen, and here is a guide to the errors that you might experience while using PyOS.

VH14: unsupported kernel.

This is one of the rarest errors you could experience using PyOs, and typycally happens if you modify the files. This results in an error, as the bootloader cannot read this kernel. This could also happen if you chose to replace the kernel. Did you really think we would make the bootloader compatible with every kernel?

VH15: No script.

If you have experienced this issue, then

read the how to use guide.

Error IN15: the file failed to load.

This is an error that is very rare, and might mean your script file is corrupted. Not to worry, just put in a working copy.

This could also happen if you write bad code as IN15 is an interpreter error.

IN14: The directory failed to open.

Either the script folder does not exist, or it was a one time error.